Cassie's Club Members
It was great to find this website. I just adopted a 3-year-old lab mix
from the Summit County Humane Society in Akron, OH.
She is the sweetest most lovable little girl I have ever had the privilege of
calling a part of my family.
Her 3-year story is a very sad one. She lost her left front leg
when she was just a few months old due to either a car accident
or from being caught in a trap. The vets were not sure which.
They were able to save her life by amputating her leg and nursing her back to health.
They were able to adopt her out a few months later to a family they thought would be a
good home for her.
When she was adopted out the first time, she was a fun loving and bouncing little girl,
but when she was returned to the Humane Society about a year and a half later,
she was a very different animal. She was very reclusive and afraid of her own shadow
and they felt she was very badly abused by the family who had taken her
and decided to be more selective in who they adopted her out to this time around.
The reason I was looking for another pet was because I adopted the sweetest little
Doxie Beagle, Ginger, from the Lake County Humane Society in Mentor, OH
about 10 months ago who had been very badly abused as well. She recently
seemed to need a play pal and that is when Link came into the picture.
The Humane Society had no success in adopting her out because she only had 3 legs.
After hearing her story, I wanted to meet her and I fell in love with her
the minute I saw her and took her home for a "trial" for two weeks to make sure
that she and my other pet got along. Well, we made her official after just one week.
She is now my little girl. I have only had her for two weeks, but she has found
a very warm place in my heart and Ginger's. They have bonded and became the best of pals.
Hearing about all the other people who have had pets that have lost a limb
and hearing how they have adjusted warms my heart. I am happy to be able to be a part
of an elite club.
Sunday February 26, 2006
Hello! My name is Peg and I am a 2 year old Jack Russell Terrier.
I was adopted about a year ago to be a playmate and hearing dog for my brother -
a deaf Parson's Russell Terrier. He is really quite a nuisance but we get along great...
as long as he does what I tell him to.
I was an abuse case from Columbus, Ohio.
I belonged to a backyard breeder and was pregnant when I was hit by a car.
Surprisingly, they took me to a vet and the vet advised amputation...
but, I would have to abort my puppies.
My owners said no, and let me drag along my dead leg without treatment for over 6 months.
I nursed my puppies and when they had no more use for me, they threw me out on the street.
Luckily enough, both me and my puppies were taken by the police to a rescue
where I received my surgery. They amputated my leg and shoulder and I feel great.
Two weeks after my surgery I was adopted and my new home is great -
I'm just happy to be indoors and have a bed to sleep on.
I spend most of my time sleeping on the couch and protecting everyone from the mailman.
Your Friend,
(Thanks to Mom Andi Harris, for proofreading!)
Thursday March 2, 2006
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