Molly Goode
Hi! My name is Molly Goode, and I am a Boston Terrier.
I am almost seven years old. On March 1, 2006, I was hit by a truck.
It messed up my right front leg pretty bad, and it had to be taken off.
My family was really sad, but I have a great doctor, and they are very happy
to have found such a supporting website for us to share.
I came home just after a few days and I can do pretty much everything I did before.
I already get a lot more attention, so that is great!!
A note from the owners: Thanks! This is new territory for us, and we love your website.
I had my children look through your website before we brought Molly home,
just to give them some heads up on what she would look like.
We still are very sad, but it gets better each day.
It is remarkable how quickly they recover and how they persevere.
Thanks again and hope you enjoy the pictures of Molly before and after the accident.
Becky Goode
Wednesday March 8, 2006
I wanted to send you a picture of HOPE.
She is about 5 months old, a Black Lab. She had her leg removed on 3/10/06.
I rescued her from a family who did not take care of her after she hurt her leg.
We were unable to save her leg due to too much damage to the knee area
and the bone was not growing. We think her leg has been this way for at least 6 weeks.
She is a very sweet dog.
I'm going to be training her to be a therapy dog, so I can take her to Hospitals.
Hope is a very happy dog now, she has a lot of people to love her and she gets to
go to work with me every day. I'm so glad Hope came into my life.
My son & I love her so much. When I first got her 2 weeks ago, she would not give you a
kiss or even play with a toy. But that has changed now. She loves to play with toys
and she will even give you a kiss now. She even has 2 other dogs she lives with
and they love to play with her too.
Thanks for letting me share my story with you.
Nan Beck
Saturday March 11, 2006
I just wanted to thank you for posting Hope's story.
I have a Web page
for her.
Can you add it to her story?? Thanks for your help.
Nan Beck
Oshkosh WI
Sunday March 19, 2006