Hi Cassie!
I am the proud Mom of Dudley the three legged wonder dog.
Dudley was born with the human equivalent of a club foot.
He was found by a social worker while on the job.
Curled up under an abandoned house, he was between 2 to 3 weeks old and all alone.
No mother in sight. The social worker brought him into the local SPCA.
There, they examined his short and shriveled leg and took him to a local veterinarian.
They put a cast on the leg to see if it might straighten out.
After some time it was decided this was not going to make a difference
and they amputated the leg. Subsequently he developed an infection
and the second surgery removed his shoulder also.
He went to live with a wonderful SPCA employee who fostered him and helped
him adjust to his loss.
Dudley came to live with us 4 months after his surgery.
He is very brave and well adjusted, in fact with the other dogs
he is the "Alpha" male and runs and plays with great energy.
He falls from time to time but never gives up;
he has no idea that he is challenged in any way.
He is the only one of three who can swim... Straight and strong!
I would like to join your group to learn more about any repercussions
involved with his aging and anything that I can do for Dudley to make his
life as full and pain free as possible. He is on a B.A.R.F. (Biologically
Appropriate Raw Food) diet and gets Omega 3 and joint support from Missing
The above picture is Dudley's beginning and the bottom photo is The Stud Man
Thanks and best regards
Gloria Kaufman & Gilles Pelland
Friday January 5, 2007
Zoe joined our family when she was 7 weeks old.
Although her right front paw turned outward, we thought it would strengthen
and straighten up as she grew. When my DVM x-rayed her leg and paw,
he sent the x-rays to an Orthopedic Surgeon for his evaluation.
Neither had seen such a malformation of the foot and leg.
Both agreed to see if the bones in her leg and foot would fuse
before doing any invasive surgery. Well, Zoe's 6 months old now,
and x-rays reveal more problems with her leg - a congential problem.
Surgery is an option, but not one with an optimistic outcome.
Zoe's leg has been in a cast for over 4 months,
weekly visits to the Vet's for new bandages and rewrapping.
She's never had use of her limb, and I can't see putting her through more
rigorous medical procedures. After much anguish, my husband and I decided
to have the recommended amputation. I'm so thankful I found this site.
Although still anxious, I've found the support I needed here.
I'll send more pix after Zoe has her surgery.
With her tenacious spirit, I feel she'll be okay and happier. Thank you.
Zoe's Parents,
Jim & Marie Walker
Sunday January 7, 2007