Cassie's Club Members
Dear Cassie,
These are a few pictures of my very spoiled rescue angel 3-Speed.
She was found by a friend of mine in a killing pound about 7 years ago.
At that time she had 4 legs, but her front left leg was mangled and infected.
My friend asked the shelter workers what they were giving her
for the pain or infection and she was told
"Nothing! If nobody takes her the way she is, she's going down Friday at 4:00 p.m."
Well once I was told this, that's all that it took.
My husband called the shelter and said "Don't you dare kill that dog."
A local area vet went and picked her up and amputated her leg for free!!
She was so touched that we would take her.
3 days after the amputation, I drove approx. 100 miles to pick her up.
What I forgot to mention was that I had NO IDEA what this dog looked like,
her breed, age or anything; I rescued her sight unseen,
because whether I could keep her or had to find her a home,
she wasn't going to die because of only having 3 legs.
Well 7 years later, this little one is the most spoiled angel fur baby ever!!
I have cherished every day with her, and look forward to many more.
She has NEVER been any trouble.
People always say.... "Oh, poor 3-legged dog!"
And I tell them..."Poor 3 legged dog, my ass!!"
She is just as able bodied as mine or anyone's 4 legged dog I have ever seen.
She runs as fast as my 120lb. Lab. wrestles, plays, sits pretty
and YES!! she swims (and very well, I might add).
What a joy she has brought to my life,
and I thank God every day that he brought the two of us together.
3-Speed's Proud Mom,
Nancey Ryan
Saturday May 24, 2008
I would like to introduce my 10-month-old Jack Russell Terrier, Trip.
We have a connection with an Irish Jack Russell Terrier farm located in a rural city of S.C.
Two years ago, my son (An Army Captain) adopted a 6-month-old male Jack named Stewie.
Right after he adopted Stewie, I had to take over Stewie's care when he left the country to serve in Iraq.
Last summer, he received an email from the breeder.
She just got a few newborn Jacks, one of whom was born with one fused joint in his foreleg,
due to lying in the wrong position inside his mother's womb.
The breeder said if no one would appear to adopt him, she must put Trip to sleep,
because she can't care for and concentrate on a disabled dog,
due to her hectic work with other Jacks on her farm.
Her vet told her if Trip should expect to live, his foreleg must be amputated,
because as he starts to walk or run, he experiences great pain.
My son wanted to adopt him, and asked me to check on him.
I visited the farm and met this adorable puppy, and fell in love with him at first sight.
I adopted him when he became 8 weeks old and the vet amputated his foreleg
when he was 3 months old in order to prevent painful walks.
Now he walks, runs and plays very well; the only problem is when we walk outside,
he has difficulty walking for an extended period of time.
Ever since then, he has stole my and all my family's heart.
Monday June 2, 2008
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