Cassie's Club Members
Hi to everyone! My name is Cioby and I'm a dog with a semi-paralysis
on the back legs. I'll explain what happened. Before being paralyzed
I was a homeless dog, I roamed around the world, until one day,
passing through Ostiglia, a village near Mantova (Italy), a car took me over.
A boy who was working nearly saw the accident: the driver who took me over
didn't even stop, while Max, who saw everything, helped me out.
His wife and he brought me immediately to the veterinary,
who wouldn't have hesitated a second to put me down;
however they didn't accept that decision and went to another veterinary.
The latter advised them to cure me for a few days before deciding what to do.
The damages I had from that accident are: 5 stitches on the leg, various contusions
and, unfortunately, spinal chord lesion. I'm not able to walk, but my back legs still
have sensibility and sometimes I can move them. Max and Lisa, my owners, have
constructed me a wheelchair, appropriately studied for me; and now, regardless of the other
veterinary, I can run, play, full around and, most of all, I'm still alive and I dont suffer
any type of pain!
If you also are in need of a wheelchair but you don't know how to make one,
you can contact my owners which are prone to help you out or look at the
projects on my site.
Hello, I had to email you to let you know that your web site made ALL the difference
in our decision to have our pug Dawney's leg amputated. Thank you.
In March 2003 we found a lump on her front paw and took her to the vet
to see what to do. I wanted to have the lump analyzed before doing any surgery
as Dawney is almost 10. The vet did not want to analyze and recommended
we remove right away. I went against what I wanted and we scheduled surgery.
They could not get all of the lump.
Within four days I could tell that the surgery site was not healing correctly
and our usual vet was not in so took Dawney to a different vet.
She had serious infection and we found out that the lump was a mast cell tumor
and should not have been opened up.
The surgery site was most likely not going to heal.
We did try for about a week to cleanse the site and gave antibiotics
for the infection hoping this would work but the site was literally wasting away.
We had to decide if we were going to remove the leg or let her go.
I searched the internet for whatever information I could find about amputating
a dog's leg and how well they adapt and not much was there.
But I did find your site and was grateful to see that a lot of the dogs
on your site have had the front leg amputated (depending on the breed,
but usually harder for a dog) and I could see from their stories
that they adapted very well and were healthy and happy.
We chose amputation and I hope from the pictures you can see it was the
right decision. She is very happy and very spoiled. (even more than before amputation)
I still cannot tell you how much your web site gave us the courage to make this decision
and to know it was the right one for Dawney. Thank you, thank you, thank you
from Dawney and all of her family. (the picture of her with the red bandage on her leg
is the day before surgery to amputate that leg).
Tammy and Jerry Keleher
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