Three Legged Dog Club
Cassie's Club Members

I have an 18-month old neutered male Great Dane puppy, JAKE, who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of his front leg leg shortly before Thanksgiving 1999. He had the leg amputated and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. His prognosis is good.
Jake acts as if he never had a 4th leg!!! He is energetic and enthusiastic, still wrestles and plays with other dogs, runs, leaps, jumps, and does everything as well as he did before.
I'd be interested in any information you have about 3-legged dogs and how to get them to adapt. I'm surprised that there really isn't much information available about this subject, and I may do some research and write a book about these dogs and how to train, work with, and own one.
Anyway, nice to meet you! Great website. Give Cassie a big hug from me, Muggs & Gypsy (the wonder cats), and JAKE (the tripod Great Dane).

Saturday February 5, 2000


These photos were taken a couple of days before Jake's 6th birthday on April 14, 1998. In the days immediately following his accident on December 30, 1997, there were a few bad moments when we were not sure he was going to make it to his 6th birthday, so it was a very special day to us. If you would like to read about the details of his accident, amputation surgery and recovery and/or if you have any further questions about his surgery and recovery, or about life with a three-legged dog in general, please feel free to write and ask. ( Although Jake is no longer allowed to trial for Schutzhund titles due to the missing leg, he still goes to obedience training sessions now and then. He has earned two titles since his accident: his ATTS TT (Temperament Test) in June 1998 and his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) in February 1999. He's always on the lookout for other activities that don't discriminate against disabled dogs. His fur has completely grown back since these photos were taken. See some more recent pictures here. Although we don't train seriously or compete in Schutzhund any more, Jake is like any other old, retired Schutzhund dog and loves to get in a little bitework with his favorite decoys.

(Thanks to decoys Paul and Mike and photographer Carole / K9 Working Companions)
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