Hi, my name is Kylie and I have a four year old pug named "T-bone."
He just lost his back left leg on March 23, 2007.
We had him riding in the car and the window was slightly down.
Well, he saw something and jumped out of the window.
The Vet first said that he broke his leg pretty bad and needed surgery.
But after starting, they discovered the break was too bad
so they had to amputate.
It is a really sad thing for him.
I hope he gets better and starts feeling normal again.
We love him so much!!!
SPC Kylie Schulz
Tuesday March 27, 2007
Snowball's story begins in February of 2003
when our neighbor found an 8-week old black lab puppy
lying in a ditch along side of the road, covered in snow, freezing and starving.
My neighbor picked up the puppy, fed, watered and warmed him.
When my husband and I saw him, we fell in love with him.
Well, truth is, I hesitated at first to keep him because I don't like big dogs.
To my relief, he grew up to be a medium sized, bright eyed, smart, fast (runs like the wind),
most handsome black lab mix ever to chase a tennis ball.
He LOVES his tennis ball.
Thanksgiving of 2005 he began limping on his right rear leg.
The top of his paw, and eventually whole paw, swelled badly.
The vet treated him for various kinds of infections.
Snowball didn't respond, was biopsied for cancer and no cancer was found.
After more biopsies, the vet's final diagnosis was pythiosis disease,
a deadly water-borne fungal infection.
He treated Snowball with various meds for this rare infection
and finally a vaccine to no avail.
The only alternative to save his life was amputation.
It was a grueling 3-month process from swelling of the paw to amputation of the leg.
The amputation was done February 2006.
This infection is known to spread quickly.
The vet said that the infection could manifest itself again
if it spread through the body before amputation,
but that remains to be seen and I pray every day for complete healing.
Now, one year later, he's just as healthy as he can be,
hasn't skipped a beat, runs just as fast as he did with four legs.
Still loves chasing the tennis ball, swimming, camping and walks through the woods.
Why the name "Snowball," for a black lab, you ask?
When he was found, he was a snow-covered ball of fur, so my husband named him Snowball.
Snowball has brought so much joy and happiness to our household.
I'm convinced he's an angel sent by God to bring laughter to me and my husband
and to help us stay young.
He's my "big black Snowball of love" and I tell him that every day.
I love Snowball more than I can express.
Thanks for this opportunity to share this story with other 3-legged doggie owners.
Snowball is a true blessing.
Donna Bissey (Snowball's Mom)
Wednesday March 28, 2007