This is our LANCELOT. He is a German Shepard Dog about 2 1/2 years old.
He has been ours since he was a puppy. A little over a year ago, Lance got hit by a car.
All his injuries healed except his leg. We had constant trials and triumphs
in which it would get worse, and then it would heal again.
Finally his leg got to a point in which we realized and accepted that it would not be getting better.
That's when I began my research on amputation and came across this inspiring site/club.
This site helped us make the decision that we had to. Lance had his surgery a week ago today.
The picture above was on the day we brought him home.
I can't tell you how wonderful he is doing!
He has the spark back in his eyes. He is happy.
I know we have some healing to get through, but I can feel his relief
and I know in my heart that this was the best thing that we could do for him.
He's going to be just fine.
Cheryl Smielewski
Monday December 5, 2005
Hi Cassie, my name is Casse and I live in Great Bend, KS.
I saw your website and just had to join.
I just adopted a standard poodle with only three legs who I named Marley.
He is missing his front left. I got a call about three months ago from the Russell Veterinarian
that they had a 7-week-old puppy that had a terrible bone infection.
They said that while in the puppy mill he had got a piece of straw wedged into his paw.
The breeders failed to get him to the vet in time and when they did it was too late.
They treated him with heavy antibiotics for two weeks, but the infection did not get any better.
When they informed the breeder that he was going to have to lose his leg,
she told them to put him down if they didn't have an owner for him.
The vet immediately called my fiance, who also has a 3-legged Labrador
that lost his back right leg from a bone infection, and asked if I would be interested in him.
I told them I would love a puppy, and by the time I got to Russell that day to see him,
they had just taken the leg off. He was such a trooper.
The poor dog stunk so bad of infection and looked so pathetic.
I had to wait a week before I could take him home.
The day after his surgery he ripped out about 6 staples
so we spent the next two weeks repairing a huge hole that it had caused,
and to top it all off, a week after I got him home we found out he had worms
and that is why is was not getting stronger or gaining any weight.
Now he is almost five months old and the most loveable, caring, playful dog you could ever own.
He has definitely changed my life and I really don't know what I'd do without him.
Thank you so much for this website; I enjoyed reading all the stories
and especially seeing all the photos.
Casse Watkins
Tuesday December 06, 2005