On August 24, 2005 my husband was driving our U-Haul from Birmingham, AL
to Dallas, TX. Our house sold a little faster than we expected,
so we had to stay with my parents for a few weeks.
Unfortunately, they do not have a fenced in yard.
We adopted our dog, Roxy, from a local shelter in June of 2004.
Roxy had been doing great, even though she had always been an indoor dog.
She stayed in the garage or yard with my parent's 14-year-old dog,
who never ventured beyond the yard. She loved to be outside,
and she was the fastest dog I had ever seen.
Everyone who saw her was impressed by her speed.
We'll never know exactly what happened that night.
All we know is that Roxy didn't come when I called her.
My mom went outside by the garage and Roxy was just laying on the driveway,
licking her paw. It was obvious something was wrong, because Roxy can't sit still,
especially when people are around. It is important to note that my parents' driveway
is incredibly steep and several hundred yards long. To make a long story short,
she had been hit by a car and drug herself down the street and back up the driveway.
We rushed her to the emergency clinic, but there was no hope for the leg
which was hanging on by a tiny piece of flesh just above the paw.
I still get teary even thinking about that car ride to the vet.
Roxy just looked at me and licked my hand the whole way there,
as if she were trying to comfort me. I called my husband from the vet,
and he and I agreed that she obviously wanted to live,
and we could not even talk about putting her down.
It was the next day before we even knew if she had a hope of living.
I drove her to my regular vet that morning, and she still was not stabilized.
She was in severe shock, and it was weeks before anyone could guess whether or not
she would survive.
She recovered well from the amputation, but it was difficult for her
because we were in the middle of a move. When we got to Dallas, she seemed great.
Then after about three weeks, her right rear leg swelled up to the size of a cantaloupe.
I took her to a vet in Dallas, where x-rays showed her kneecap was floating around
halfway up her thigh bone. I took her to a specialist in Dallas who informed me
of the possibility she would survive if she had a surgery costing $5000 minimal
and then 2 months of physical therapy. Now, being a newlywed and having just moved,
this was not a possibility for us.
I drove her back to Birmingham where she had surgery on the knee.
Things seemed fine until Roxy started feeling better.
She refused to stay locked up and tried to escape her confined space in the garage
whenever possible. Eventually, she managed to rip the ligament in her knee
with the wire that was holding it in place. By this point, I had finally found a vet in Dallas.
She operated and removed the wire implant as well as the sutures from the previous surgery.
The back leg is not and never will be normal, but most days you would never notice.
I am so thankful to Dr. Borden and all the staff at Galleria animal clinic.
Their optimism and skill gave me hope. I am also thankful to Dr. Unger at Angel Veterinary Center,
who conducted Roxy's final surgery. Each of these offices really cared about Roxy,
and they did everything in their power to help her live.
My goal in writing all of this is that someone will see it before they decide to put their dog down
if it needs an amputation. If my dog can get around on 2.5 legs and still outrun me on our jogs
(yes, she's still my running partner), any dog can get around with three!
Roxy is perfectly happy, and sometimes it even seems like she likes it better with three legs.
She can fit in smaller spaces, and she can lie on her side much more comfortably.
She can do almost everything she could do before the accident,
including jumping up on furniture, scratching the door, and digging up my garden!
She's a great dog, and I'm very glad I let her decide whether or not she wanted to live.
Thank you for creating this club and being an inspiration to everyone with these special animals!
I know I wrote a lot, feel free to edit and delete whatever!
Stephanie Locke
Friday January 6, 2006
Trigger Boy
Hi Everyone!
My name is Trigger Boy and I am a 14-year-old Golden Coated Russian
Circus Dog (just kidding) also known as a Golden Retriever.
I had my front leg amputated after I leaped out of a pickup truck after a deer.
My Mom said I should be the Poster Dog for why NOT to put your dog in
the bed of a pickup truck.
(Oh, this happened BEFORE I adopted my parents here in Cody.)
I have been lost in the past.
I am originally from Massachusetts; seems I was found on a playground and brought to a
shelter when no one claimed me.
THEN this young couple adopted me and I lived with them for four years.
We all moved to Wyoming in 2000, that's when on my first day here
I saw this deer that had my name on it.
Well they said I had nerve damage and I would have to give my leg
After the operation, I started growling at the 3 young kids I
lived with and it was time for me to find a new home.
My New Mom and Dad take me everywhere.
I have a 4-wheel drive "Waggin" since I can't keep up with my golden brothers.
My name was Tigger, but being in the Wild West now,
Mom changed my name to Trigger, and she says I am a pistol!
The University of Wyoming Engineering Department is
considering me for a project to make a front wheel cart that WORKS!
Wish us good luck!
Thanks for letting me join in the Club!
Anyone coming to Yellowstone, look me up.
Trigger Boy Polacek
Thursday January 12, 2006
Trigger Boy got his wheels at a graduation symposium
at the University of Wyoming Department of Engineering.
Four senior engineering students designed this award winning device.
He loves it!
"Three paws up," for these brillant students!
Carol Polacek
Thursday September 21, 2006
Trigger has left us for the Rainbow Bridge.
We miss you and Love him always.
What a remarkable treasure he was and he taught us so much.
He left with dignity and the Love of so many.
Wednesday October 22, 2008